Monday, March 14, 2011

Amber Rose: The Latest Fat-Shaming Victim

Ahh, yes, Mediatakeout is up to it again. They are running a story calling Amber Rose fat. My take on it is: She is not fat, and if she was, So What!?! I am so sick media outlets doing stories like this. Amber Rose is what we, in the black community, call thick, meaning that her body is voluptuous in all the right places. But I digress, fat is a feminist issue, a woman's issue, a human issue. We should be banding together against body snarking (making fun of people's physical appearance) , body policing, and shaming fat people/fatness/fat in general. 

Women's bodies are policed by popular culture in many ways, but I'm going to stick to the size issue for now (there will be more to come on this topic). They are often judged by the size of their clothes rather than their talent and intelligence. If you are against sexism, and claim to be a feminist than stop policing women's bodies. Do not judge a woman by the size of her pants. Sexism, and patriarchy have convinced us that the amount of fat on a woman's body is a measuring stick for her worthiness. Take a minute and think about how misconstrued the reasoning is on this issue.

Moreover, African Americans/ black folks, should not be checking for this stuff because we have been marginalized in popular culture because of the color of our skin, body type, and plain old racism. We need to be standing up against exclusionary practices rather than validating and participating in them.

Amber did not make things better by tweeting: "I'm 5'9" and 148 lbs." "How am I fat?" As if to say, hey look at my numbers, I'm not fat. A feminist response would have been to say, 'I love my body, so you can kiss my ass' in her Tyra Banks voice. (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Tyra went back on her bodacious bodily love by getting all skinny again claiming that she still wants to model, but they cant take that youtube clip away from me.) I can dream, cant I? 

Here is the clip of Tyra telling the press to shove it!


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